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assignment ruleの例文


  • On December 30, the flexible assignment rule was again used to assign Payne to Austin.
  • Tom Hutton, a staff attorney at the National School Boards Association, suggested that Boston's current assignment rules could withstand legal scrutiny.
  • On December 3, 2015, using the flexible assignment rule, the Hawks assigned Hardaway to the Canton Charge, the New York Knicks.
  • On November 19, pursuant to the flexible assignment rule, he was assigned to the Westchester Knicks and was recalled four days later.
  • On January 25, 2016, using the flexible assignment rule, he was assigned to the Erie BayHawks, the D-League affiliate of the Orlando Magic.
  • On December 30, 2014, using the flexible assignment rule, the Hawks assigned Jenkins to the Idaho Stampede, the affiliate of the Utah Jazz.
  • On November 22, 2015, using the flexible assignment rule, the Bucks assigned Inglis to the Canton Charge, the D-League affiliate of the Cleveland Cavaliers.
  • On March 10, 2016, using the flexible assignment rule, Alexander was assigned to the Santa Cruz Warriors, the D-League affiliate of the Golden State Warriors.
  • On 22 November 2015, using the flexible assignment rule, the Bulls assigned Bairstow to the Austin Spurs, the D-League affiliate of the San Antonio Spurs.
  • During the 2015 16 season, using the flexible assignment rule, Wilcox had multiple assignments to the Canton Charge and Bakersfield Jam of the NBA Development League.
  • On January 16, 2016, using the flexible assignment rule again, the Bucks assigned Inglis to the Westchester Knicks, the D-League affiliate of the New York Knicks.
  • During the 2016 17 season, he has had multiple assignments to the Delaware 87ers and Long Island Nets of the NBA Development League, pursuant to the flexible assignment rule.
  • Boston school officials say the current student-assignment rules are race-neutral, incorporating parents'desire to send their children to nearby schools and their wish to choose from schools in other parts of the city.
  • Where a FIGI has not been assigned for any reason, a request can be submitted to have an identifier assigned, as long as the request is in line with the standard and stated assignment rules.
  • On February 1, 2016, using the flexible assignment rule, Dunleavy was assigned to the Santa Cruz Warriors, the D-League affiliate of the Golden State Warriors, with the goal to practice there during the Bulls'West Coast road trip.
  • With the maximum allowance of four NBA players already being on assignment to the Mad Ants, the flexible assignment rule was used on December 9 so the Hawks could assign Payne to the Austin Spurs, the San Antonio Spurs'one-to-one D-League affiliate.
  • However, with the maximum allowance of four NBA players already being on assignment to the Mad Ants, the flexible assignment rule was used on December 28, 2014 so the Hornets could assign Taylor to the Austin Spurs, the San Antonio Spurs'one-to-one D-League affiliate.
  • The PERMIS authorisation engine comprises two components : a Credential Validation Service that validates users'roles according to the user-role assignment rules, and the Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) that evaluates users'access requests according to the role-permission assignment rules ( or access control rules ).
  • The PERMIS authorisation engine comprises two components : a Credential Validation Service that validates users'roles according to the user-role assignment rules, and the Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) that evaluates users'access requests according to the role-permission assignment rules ( or access control rules ).